
Saturday, February 26, 2011

glass frogs

Glass Frog, 11 other new species found in Ecuador

Glass Frog, 11 other new species found in Ecuador

 because frogs are considered indicator species. Glass Frog

because frogs are considered indicator species. Glass Frog

The Transparent Glass Frog

The Transparent Glass Frog

Why they call them the glass frogs, CRARC

Why they call them the glass frogs, CRARC

Ghost Glass Frog

Ghost Glass Frog

Glass Frog, CRARC

Glass Frog, CRARC

Colombia, amphibians, glass frog, species, Conservation International Glass

Colombia, amphibians, glass frog, species, Conservation International Glass

Glass frogs are mostly active at night, which makes them very difficult to

Glass frogs are mostly active at night, which makes them very difficult to

Glass frogs have a lime green skin that is semitransparent, allowing you to

Glass frogs have a lime green skin that is semitransparent, allowing you to

Emerald Glass Frog

Emerald Glass Frog

 Ghost Glass Frog [Centrolene Ilex]

Ghost Glass Frog [Centrolene Ilex]

Colombia, amphibians, glass frog, Conservation International, species Glass

Colombia, amphibians, glass frog, Conservation International, species Glass

The glass frogs only

The glass frogs only

Shining a Light on Glass Frogs magazine layout - glass frogs

Shining a Light on Glass Frogs magazine layout - glass frogs

Glass Frog

Glass Frog

Glass frogs have a lime green skin that is semitransparent, allowing you to

Glass frogs have a lime green skin that is semitransparent, allowing you to

There is such a thing as a Glass Frog! They live in Costa Rica.

There is such a thing as a Glass Frog! They live in Costa Rica.

Glass Frog by Bill Love.

Glass Frog by Bill Love.

Image # 300 Translucent Glass Frog perching,

Image # 300 Translucent Glass Frog perching,

Reticulated glass frogs (Hyalinobatrachium valerioi)

Reticulated glass frogs (Hyalinobatrachium valerioi)


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